Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Initial idea - Website

I would like to have a home page like Catfish and the bottlemen, as I feel it conveys the genre and also follows the conventions of a website; having easy navigation and links to social media.

However, I may use the album cover as my background, instead of an image of the band. But I will attempt to keep the same layout, as Catfish and the bottlemen. I propose to have links to: upcoming tour dates, album purchases, news and social media links all on my home page. There will, however be separate links to tour dates, album purchases and new, through an easy to use navigation bar at the top of the screen. I will also have a merchandise store like Mallory Knox's, as I feel the band will offer similar products.
I like the idea of the lyrics page, featured on Catfish and the bottlemen's website. I think this would be a good page for fans, and makes the band stand out from the crowd as it is not a convention of a artist's/band's website.
I believe I will need a video and photo page like all the others I have researched, as I see it as a convention. It is also very useful for fans, as they like extra content to entertain them. I will use similar font to that of the Strokes, yet most band's use the font from their most recent album. Though this isn't the case with the Strokes or Arctic Monkeys, were they have almost created a universally renowned logo.
I will also promote the new album on most pages of the website, where it is suitable though. I will create facebook, twitter, YouTube and instagram accounts, as all of the bands I have researched have these.

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